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I am a storyteller. For many years I have been on a conscious journey of healing, self loving and seeking out the joy life has to offer. But I keep stumbling on low self-esteem, belief in lies and small mindedness. So this page is a cosmic cheer to me, to keep myself accountable for the love I promised to give myself and others.  To re-write my love story to me and to you.


What will you gain from coming along? All the valuable insights I have gleaned, practical personal growth tools, books and courses that have helped me succeed and loads of fun!


I am a love activist. In a world that invests its faith so deeply in lovelessness I promise to be our enthusiastic encourager, shining a light on how incredible we are by unearthing the stars hidden in Me and YOU. 

I'm just a woman, extraordinary like any other sharing my grand road trip of life with you. So often when I hear of people living their best lives I wish I had seen the journey. The detours, pit stops, refueling and back on the road again of how they got there. So I am offering my life as an unfolding expedition. I'm using my life as a social experiment of how to move from victimhood to victoryhood while I am still navigating how.  So prepare for some shared laughs & mistakes, tears and aha moments as they happen in real time for me. This is what I call love activism, sharing my insights on love, spirituality, family and business for all of us to grow together. 


To book me as a speaker or a blog contributor contact me on:


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